Jury Trials in the Time of COVID-19

November 1, 2020


The CAJO engaged, for the first time, a multi-prong approach to judicial education and information sharing that utilised pre-recorded information video products instead of only a live webinar presentation. Three Caribbean countries, Barbados, Guyana, and St Lucia provided a series of video products from their regions that highlighted their experiences with resuming jury trials during pandemic times, and shared multiple perspectives as well as feedback received on their policies and protocols. These videos were shared with registered participants on Friday November 13 2020.


From then until November 23, participants submitted their questions arising out of the information shared in the videos. These questions were then organised thematically. Then, on Friday 27 November, the CAJO hosted a live Webinar Q&A in which the submitted questions were discussed by a Panel which included Sir Marston Gibson from Barbados, Chief Justice (Ag) Roxane George, Justice Brassington Reynolds, Justice Priya Sewnarine-Beharry, and Justice Nareshwar Harnanan from Guyana, and Justice Vivian Georgis Taylor-Alexander and Registrar Daniel Francis from St Lucia. The Webinar Q&A also included a segment for participants’ comments and sharing.


The programme was designed to include video knowledge products in lieu of live webinar presentations as the CAJO has noted the discourse and literature around ‘Zoom burnout’ and sought to find creative and innovative ways to share as much information as possible and promote critical reflective thinking and learning by not including both extended presentations and discussion in a two to three-hour frame.



Click to download the full report

Click to see the related section in CAJO News Issue 12

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