Strengthening The Judicial Office

March 1, 2020


Upon the onboarding of Judicial Research Counsel (JRC) and prior to the finalisation and release of the new Civil Proceedings Rules, the Judiciary of the Bahamas reached out to President of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ), The Honourable Mr Justice Adrian Saunders for assistance with providing training to its JRC and Judicial Officers. President Saunders then requested that the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) and the Caribbean Association of Judicial Officers (CAJO) design and execute this training.


The Judiciary of the Bahamas outlined key areas for which it desired training and the CAJO and CCJ were tasked with building and delivering this programme. Thus, the team assigned crafted a five-day programme titled ‘Strengthening the Judicial Office’ geared toward in-depth coverage of the outlined areas.


The Honourable Mr Justice Peter Jamadar, Chair of the CAJO and Judge of the CCJ, was tasked with leading a team which would develop and execute this programme. The Honourable Mr Justice Gregory Smith, Justice of Appeal of Trinidad and Tobago, Ms Kavita Deochan, Judicial Counsel at the CCJ, and Elron Elahie, Research and Programme Coordinator of the CAJO, comprised the team.


Over a three-month period, the team developed an in-depth and context-appropriate twelve module programme which would be delivered over the course of five days in the Bahamas.

The programme was run over a period of five days and was designed to employ different methods of learning towards achieving the objectives and outcomes of each module. Each module was designed to ensure that each participant is actively engaged in the learning process and the modules contained built-in activities and assessments to ensure that learning was achieved.

Click to download the full report

Click to see the related section in CAJO News Issue 11

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