Discussing Judicial Opportunities in the Caribbean

Discussing Judicial Opportunities in the Caribbean

This online forum provided participants with the opportunity to hear from Justice Adrian Saunders, President of the Caribbean Court of Justice; Sir Ian Winder, Chief Justice of the Bahamas and Justice Charmaine Pemberton, Justice of Appeal, Trinidad and Tobago, who...
Preparing Oral Judgments/Decisions

Preparing Oral Judgments/Decisions

This virtual member-only session exposed judicial officers to a project approach to the judgment writing/delivery process and the use of a note-taking template. The Oral Judgment Writing Template was developed and launched by the...
Disability and Inclusion Awareness Workshop

Disability and Inclusion Awareness Workshop

In March 2023, the Disability and Inclusion Awareness Guidelines were launched. These a Guidelines sought to assist judicial officers and regional judiciaries by providing practical tools and guidance as they relate to ensuring access to justice for persons with...
Achieving Goals, Meeting Expectations

Achieving Goals, Meeting Expectations

From January 26th – 28th 2023, the CAJO, in partnership with the Judicial Reform and Strengthening (JURIST) Project, facilitated an intensive three-day judicial training programme for judicial officers of the Supreme Court of Barbados. – The training programme,...
Preparing Decisions for Timely Delivery

Preparing Decisions for Timely Delivery

On Thursday 07th April, from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. AST, the CAJO and JURIST Project hosted the second of two judicial education sessions for regional Magistrates and Judges of the Parish Court. Preparing Decisions for Timely Delivery offered judicial officers in...